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Table 4 Results of two analyses of covariance to test the effect of latitude and longitude on the mass of leaf in the total nest and the outer nest

From: Geographical location affects size and materials used in the construction of European Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) nests

Nest part



Latitude × longitude


R 2

428.29 (< 0.001)

17.92 (< 0.001)

12.61 (< 0.001)

12.39 (< 0.001)

Moss (Log10)

81.43 (< 0.001)


314.33 (< 0.001)

11.91 (0.001)

6.75 (0.010)

6.52 (0.011)

Bark (Log10)

1.46 (0.643)


  1. The model included box area (cm2) as a covariate to control for variation in box size between locations. In addition the model included either Log10 values for moss or bark because these components were shown to significantly correlate with leaf mass. The parameter in each row was tested individually. Component masses were Log10-transformed prior to analysis. Values are F statistics, with p values in parentheses. Degrees of freedom = 1643 for factors and covariates