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Fig. 1 | Avian Research

Fig. 1

From: Migration routes, population status and important sites used by the globally threatened Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor): a synthesis of surveys and tracking studies

Fig. 1

Revised distribution map of the Black faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor) in East Asia. Summering areas (the west coast of Korean Peninsula, and Xingren Island in Liaoning and Yancheng NNR in Jiangsu Province, China, and Furugelma Island in Russia) are shaded green. Wintering ranges (the west coast of Japan, Jeju Island in South Korea, the east and south coast of China, Yangtze River floodplain, Taiwan of China, Red River Delta and south coast in Vietnam, south coast in Cambodia, south in Thailand and north in Philippines) are shaded blue. Distributions are shown modified from previous maps from BirdLife International and Handbook of Birds of the World (2019, shown as hatching and cross-hatching). Revisions to summer and winter ranges are based on tracking data from the literature (red triangles denote GPS points from when each individual arrived and when they departed the summering and wintering grounds) and field surveys data (yellow circles, including data from Hong Kong Bird Watching Society and data from literature, while Yangtze waterbird survey points were not shown because no Black-faced Spoonbills were counted, see “Methods” for details). All the summering and wintering site/area names mentioned in the paper are shown on the map

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